DCS sat down recently with Working Families Party’s (WFP) Roger Senserrich to discuss what made the Paid Family Leave Campaign succeed this time around. Despite years of buildup by a strong coalition of advocates, CBIA and many others still opposed the bill, and with a new governor and legislature, nothing was certain.
DCS was engaged early in the the session and worked hand-in-glove with WFP. Senserrich, WFP’s Communications Director, shared some reflections on key points about how DCS made a difference, all of which are part of DCS's core services:
· Data-driven decisions. DCS tracked and reported on how posts were doing, providing information in real time. This let us see immediately where to recommend changes. “When they were not clicking any more because they had already heard the message, we shifted some of the ads depending on what was needed,” Senserrich explained. "We had really good data about how the banner ads and digital ads and banners were performing, and we moved things around based on that.”
· Nimble and high-quality production. Like any legislative campaign, the timeline changed once we got underway -- and the messaging and content needed to change also, to address emerging concerns, highlight different stories as changes were made to the legislation, and target an ever-evolving mix of lawmakers. DCS worked with WFP to interview and edit new videos as they were needed, often with very short turnaround. “DCS took care of making sure they were edited correctly, reflected our brand so they’d be recognized, and carried a powerful message and were impactful.”
• Broad reach. Geo-targeting the Capitol meant we would show ads to people that had physically been in the building for the last few weeks. “This was going to be both effective and fun – legislators are used to getting calls, they're not used to seeing us on their cell phones,” said Senserrich with a grin. Starting with geo-targeting, we were able to link data and link records to home addresses. He added, “It really added another arrow to our quiver.” With facebook and twitter, he explained, “you know you are missing some people….We were able to actually get lists of where people were physically living.” Legislators heard from people in their districts they hadn’t heard from before.

Click here to watch a series of short video clips from the interview with Roger Senserrich, and to read a full transcript of the interview.
DCS is proud to have been part of this victory for Connecticut workers. We are continually improving these tools and are ready to help in upcoming progressive efforts.
* Many thanks to Liz Dupont-Diehl for writing the editorial content for this post.